Believing in the Heidelberg Legacy

Roberta Pittman

Roberta (Thomson) Pittman

By Roberta (Thomson) Pittman '71

In the summer of 1958, I was enrolled in the preparatory music program for children at Heidelberg. Professor Gibson had made the decision to teach beginners that summer, and he was my first teacher. In the fall, one of his students became my teacher and when she graduated, Mrs. Gibson became my teacher. From about 1960 on, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to go to Heidelberg and that I wanted to study music. It was the only school to which I applied.

Being there always just felt right.

My four years at Heidelberg exposed me to people and ideas that led me to see the world in a way growing up in rural Ohio never had allowed me to see. I learned to care about the world and others in a whole new way. While I was there, I gained a new appreciation for hard work and determination and to never back down from a challenge.

The rigors of a liberal arts education gave me tools, knowledge and analytical skills I have never stopped appreciating. The people I met and my experiences at Heidelberg continue to enrich my life to this day.

I donate to Heidelberg because I believe in the education and experiences it provides students, and I believe the legacy of Heidelberg should live on.

If you would like to create your own meaningful legacy—and help ensure Heidelberg's legacy lives on—you can do both with a gift in your estate plan. To learn more, contact Doug Kellar at 419-448-2888 or