Alumni Couple Show Gratitude With Win-Win Gift

Stanley and Barbara Muggenborg, who both graduated in 1962, say they loved their years at Heidelberg and the opportunities it gave them. “Our education has opened many doors throughout our lives,” they say. Stanley majored in chemistry and worked at Dow Chemical Co. in the consumer products department. Barb majored in education and retired from teaching.

The couple supports Heidelberg by returning for alumni weekends and by contributing financially to The Heidelberg Fund, the H Association, the Academic Comprehensive Campaign for Excellence (science equipment endowment) and the Hoernemann Stadium capital campaign.

“Our sole motivation has been to make a difference in student lives,” Stanley and Barb say.

Stanley took advantage of the Dow Chemical matching gift program and in 2019 continued their philanthropic giving using monies from his IRA.

“It is a simple process,” he explains. “I call my broker, request the ‘normal retirement plan distribution,’ a check is prepared, sent to Heidelberg and we are not obligated to pay income taxes on those monies. The process creates a win-win opportunity for both Heidelberg students and us.”